
Code Review

This application populates two sections using the following functions:

  • buildPaymentSchedule
  • getPayments
  • calcPayment
  • calcInterest
  • calcPrincipal
  • displayData
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Create constructor for data object

This constructor serves as a template for each object of data inserted into the table.

Lines 1-10 create the structure for each "row" object in the data table.

Populate the data table

Lines 15-17 wire the user's input to useable variables in JavaScript.

Line 18 calls the getPayments function to populate the the paymentArray with row objects.

Line 20 displays final values on the page.

    class row {
    constructor(month, payment, principal, interest, totalInterest, balance) {
        this.month = month,
        this.payment = payment,
        this.principal = principal,
        this.interest = interest,
        this.totalInterest = totalInterest,
        this.balance = balance

//(When the user clicks the button)
function buildPaymentSchedule() {
    // Get some values
    let balance = parseInt(document.getElementById("newAmount").value);
    let term = parseInt(document.getElementById("newTerm").value) * 12;
    let rate = parseFloat(document.getElementById("newInterest").value)/100;
    let paymentArray = getPayments(balance, term, rate);

    displayData(paymentArray, balance);

Loop through the data to calculate monthly values and create data objects (rows)

Line 25 creates an empty array to which objects will be added.

Lines 26-29 set baseline values.

Lines 30-38 loop through the length of the mortgage term month-by-month to calculate interest, principal, and track total interest accrued/remaining balance. Then, the object is pushed to the result array and returned.

function getPayments(balance, term, rate) {
    let res = [];
    let totalInterest = 0;
    let prevBalance = balance;
    let payment = calcPayment(balance, term, rate);
    let remainingBalance = balance;
    for(let i = 1; i <= term; i++) {
        let interest = calcInterest(prevBalance, rate);
        let principal = calcPrincipal(payment, interest);
        totalInterest += interest;
        remainingBalance -= principal;
        prevBalance = remainingBalance;
        res.push(new row(i, payment, principal, interest, totalInterest, remainingBalance))
    return res;

These basic math functions exercise separation of concerns.

These functions are passed through the getPayments function as variables for concision and readability.

//This function calculates the payments
function calcPayment(balance, term, rate) {
    let payment = balance * (rate / 12) / (1 - (1 + rate / 12) ** (0-term));
    return payment;

//This function calculates the interest
function calcInterest(prevBalance, rate) {
    return (prevBalance * rate / 12)

//This function calculates the principal
function calcPrincipal(payment, interest) {
    return payment - interest;

We loop over the template, populating the text content row-by-row with each iteration of the loop.

Lines 67-72 adds the value of the indexed object to the text content of the template.

Line 75 appends the data to the page.

function displayData(payments, totalPrincipal) {
    const template = document.getElementById("Data-template");
    const resultsBody = document.getElementById('resultsBody');
    //Clear teable
    resultsBody.innerHTML = "";

    for (let i = 0; i < payments.length; i++) {
    const dataRow = document.importNode(template.content, true);

    //Grab the nodes that create the table rows
    dataRow.getElementById("templateMonth").textContent = payments[i].month;
    dataRow.getElementById("templatePayment").textContent = `$${payments[i].payment.toFixed(2)}`;
    dataRow.getElementById("templatePrincipal").textContent = `$${payments[i].principal.toFixed(2)}`;
    dataRow.getElementById("templateInterest").textContent = `$${payments[i].interest.toFixed(2)}`;
    dataRow.getElementById("templateTotalInterest").textContent = `$${payments[i].totalInterest.toFixed(2)}`;
    dataRow.getElementById("templateBalance").textContent = `$${payments[i].balance.toFixed(2)}`;

    //Append the nodes to the page

Set the inner text of the right-side display to their values.
    //Add the totals to the right side of the table
    document.getElementById("monthly-payment").innerText = `$${payments[0].payment.toFixed(2)}`;
    document.getElementById("final-principal").innerText = `$${totalPrincipal.toFixed(2).toLocaleString()}`;
    let totalInterest = parseFloat(payments[(payments.length - 1)].totalInterest).toFixed(2).toLocaleString();
    document.getElementById("final-interest").innerText = `$${totalInterest}`;
    let totalCost = (totalPrincipal + totalInterest);
    totalCost = totalCost.toFixed(2);
    document.getElementById("final-cost").innerText = `$${totalCost.toLocaleString()}`;